Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

This article helps you learn how to write sentences in the active voice and the passive of Past continuous tense, and how to change a sentence in the active voice into the passive voice of past continuous tense.

Past Continuous tense active and passive voice

In Past continuous tense, also known as Past progressive tense, we talk about actions that were going on in the past at a specific time.

When to use the active voice in Past continuous tense?

The active voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person who was performing the action in the past. When the doer of the action is what you want to focus on and talk about, write the sentence in the active voice.

Structure:Subject + was/were + V1+ing + object

Making active sentences passive in the past continuous (He was building a house ⇒ A house was being built) exercise 1: rewrite the sentences (past continuous) in passive voice; exercise 2: rewrite the sentences (past continuous) in passive voice; Useful pages. Exercises for practising recognizing active and passive voice. Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous. Note: keep in mind that it is not common in written English to change the active sentences from present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive tenses into passive sentences in written English, but they could be rarely changed in spoken English.In. Making active sentences passive in the past continuous (He was building a house ⇒ A house was being built) exercise 1: rewrite the sentences (past continuous) in passive voice; exercise 2: rewrite the sentences (past continuous) in passive voice; Useful pages. Exercises for practising recognizing active and passive voice.


  • I was training Megha yesterday.
  • Sam was talking the class.
  • Jon was riding your bike in the morning.
  • They were playing cricket when I reached there.
  • We were not doing anything in your absence.
  • The boys were cooking food last night.

When to use the passive voice in Past continuous tense?

The passive voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person or the thing that was receiving the action in the past; that was being acted upon. When the receiver of the action (object of the verb) is more important than the doer itself, write the sentence in the passive voice of Past continuous tense.

Structure:Object+ was/were + being + V3 + (by + subject)

Past continuous tense passive voice examples:

  • The students were being taught in a weird way (by him).
  • The match was being played at a huge stadium.
  • I was being told to invest in that company.
  • Those guys were being beaten brutally last night.

NOTE:The doer of the action in the passive voice is not mentioned or is separated using brackets as it is less important or already understood in the passive voice. But you can always add the subject (doer) if you want to.

  • Active: I was training Megha yesterday.
    (focusing on the doer of the action ‘I’)
  • Passive: Megha was being trained (by me) yesterday.
    (focusing on the object that was receiving the action ‘Megha’)

More examples:

  • Active: I was taking the class at that time.
  • Passive: The class was being taken at that time (by me).
  • Active: He was eating dinner at 9 pm.
  • Passive: Dinner was being eaten at 9 pm by him.
  • Active: My parents were watching that movie.
  • Passive: That movie was being watched by my parents.

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Adalah

  • Active: Jon was editing my video yesterday.
  • Passive: My video was being edited yesterday by Jon.
  • Active: Some boys were harassing your sister.
  • Passive: Your sister was being harassed (by some boys).
  • Active: They were discussing something in the class.
  • Passive: Something was being discussed in the class (by them).
  • Active: Jyoti was copying the answers.
  • Passive: The answers were being copied (by Jyoti).
  • Active: Everyone was hugging the kids at the party.
  • Passive: The kids were being hugged at the party by everyone.
  • Active: They were not feeding the cats.
  • Passive: The cats weren’t being fed by them.

Negative sentences (Active and voice voice)


  • Active: Monu was not doing the assignment.
  • Passive: The assignment was not being done (by Monu).
  • Active: They were not helping us.
  • Passive: We were not being helped (by them).
  • Active: We were not recording the video.
  • Passive: The video was not being recorded by us.
  • Active: She was not buying anything at the store.
  • Passive: Nothing was being bought at the store (by her).

Note: If ‘anything‘ is the object of the verb in the active voice of a negative sentence, it will change to ‘nothing‘ in the passive voice.

Interrogative sentences (Active and voice voice)


  • Active: Were you calling me last night?
  • Passive: Was I being called by you last night?
  • Active: Was he not helping you?
  • Passive: Were you not being helped by him?
  • Active: When were you taking the class?
  • Passive: When was the class being taken by you?

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises

  • Active: Where were they making videos?
  • Passive: Where were the videos being made by them?


  1. Mox was hitting me with a bat.
  2. Someone was using you.
  3. They were not helping her.
  4. Why were you beating that boy?
  5. Was he calling me last night?
  6. I was making the next lesson.


  1. I was being hit with a bat by Mox.
  2. You were being used by someone.
  3. She was not being helped by them.
  4. Why was that boy being beaten by you?
  5. Was I being called last night by him?
  6. The next lesson was being made by me.

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