InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite.ISO

Interactive Physiology ( IP10 CD) | 575 MB

Mobile-ready Interactive Physiology 2.0 helps students advance beyond memorization to a genuine understanding of complex physiological processes.Now integrated throughout the text in each chapter and in end-of-chapter summaries, IP 2.0 features new graphics, quicker navigation, and more robust mobile-ready interactivities where students can explore, experiment, and predict. The Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) significantly enriches teaching and learning environments by providing an audio/ visual presentation of complex topics. For use as both a. BNGNB47LRT8H PDF // InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite Filesize: 5.23 MB Reviews A fresh electronic book with a new perspective. It is one of the most remarkable book we have go through. Your daily life period will likely be transform the instant you full reading this article pdf. (Katrine Kohler DVM).

TheInteractive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) significantly enrichesteaching and learning environments by providing an audio/ visualpresentation of complex topics. For use as both a teaching tool in theclassroom and a study tool for students, IP-10 features full-coloranimations and video, both with sound, that thoroughly demonstratedifficult physiology concepts, many of which occur at the cellular andmolecular level. Extensive interactive games and Gradable Quizzesreinforce the material.

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Edition

*Muscular System
*Nervous System II
*Respiratory System
*Fluids & Electrolytes

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Tutorial

*Digestive System
InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite.ISO
This is actually a mac file and can be a royal painin the ass for some people to extract and use. I have turned this into awindows .iso so you can easily burn this to a CDR and use it on anycomputer for school.Physiology
Download hereEdition

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Training

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