Auxiliary Verb Adalah

  1. Auxiliary Verb Adalah Words
  2. Auxiliary Verb Adalah List
  3. Primary Auxiliary Verb Adalah
  4. Contoh Auxiliary Verb Adalah
  5. Auxiliary Verb Adalah Worksheet
  6. Auxiliary Verb Adalah Yang
  7. Auxiliary Verb Adalah

We have eaten in pizza hut (have adalah auxiliary); 7. He will go to school (Will adalah auxiliary). I do not speak english (do adalah auxiliary verb). Ordinary Verb Nah, yang satu ini berbeda dari kata bantu. Kalau Ordinary Verb adalah kata kerja utama (kata kerja asli) dan sifatnya wajib ada dalam sebuah kalimat. Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja bantu yang muncul sebelum kata kerja utama di dalam suatu kalimat untuk memodifikasi makna, memperlihatkan tense, aspek, modal, penekanan, dan lain sebagainya. Kata kerja bantu ini tidak memiliki arti sendiri serta tidak bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa kata kerja utama tadi.

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Auxiliary verb merupakan kata kerja yang berada didepan kata kerja utama (main verb). Fungsi dari auxiliary verb adalah untuk memodifikasi atau mempertegas makna dari kata kerja utama (main verb) dalam suatu kalimat. Karena fungsinya tersebut, auxiliary verb juga dikenal sebagai kata kerja pembantu. Pengertian dan Contoh Auxiliary Verb – Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja bantu yang mempunyai fungsi sebagai pendukung kata kerja utama (main verb) dan letaknya selalu di depan kata kerja utama karena Auxiliary verb tidak dapat berdiri sendiri maka dari itu Auxiliary verb hanya dapat mendampingi main verb. Pengertian dan Contoh Auxiliary Verb. Maksudnya, Auxiliary Verbs adalah kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari Primary Auxiliary Verbs dan Modal Auxiliary Verbs, yang mana kata kerja ini biasanya akan diikuti oleh kata kerja selanjutnya (full verb) untuk membentuk kalimat, compound tense, atau kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris.

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What Are Auxiliary Verbs? (with Examples)

An auxiliary verb (or a helping verb as it's also called) is used with a main verb to help express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.
The main auxiliary verbs are to be, to have, and to do. They appear in the following forms:
  • To Be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been, will be
  • To Have: has, have, had, having, will have
  • To Do: does, do, did, will do

Auxiliary There is another kind of auxiliary verb called a modal auxiliary verb (or modal verb). The modal auxiliary verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will

Auxiliary Verb Adalah Words

, and would. The modal auxiliary verbs never change their forms.
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Examples of Auxiliary Verbs Expressing Tense

Here are some examples of auxiliary verbs expressing tense. In these examples, the main verbs are in bold and the auxiliary verbs are highlighted.
  • She waswaiting for an hour.
  • She iswaiting in the hall.
  • She willbewaiting outside.
  • (In each of these examples, the auxiliary verb to be helps to form the progressive tense, which is the tense used for ongoing actions.)
  • She haddrunk it before we arrived.
  • She hasdrunk it already.
  • She willhavedrunk it by then.
  • (In each of these examples, the auxiliary verb to have helps to form the perfect tense, which is the tense used for expressing an action's completion.)
  • She hadbeenstudying before the incident.
  • She hasbeenstudying.
  • She willhavebeenstudying for a month at that point.
  • (In each of these examples, the auxiliary verbs have and been help to form the perfect progressive tense, which is the tense used for expressing an ongoing action's completion.)
Read more about the tenses.

Examples of Auxiliary Verbs Expressing Voice

Here are some examples of auxiliary verbs expressing voice.
  • Our dessert waseaten by the dog.
  • The geese aredriven through the snicket.
  • The phone willbedisconnected tomorrow.
  • (In these examples, the auxiliary verb to be helps to form the passive voice. A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its subject does not perform the action of the verb but has the action done to it.)
Read more the voice of a verb.

Examples of Auxiliary Verbs Expressing Mood

Here are some examples of auxiliary verbs being used to express mood.
  • Did you win?
  • (Here, the auxiliary verb to do is used to form the interrogative mood, i.e., to ask a question.)
  • Don'tforget your wallet.
  • (Here, the auxiliary verb to do (in its negative form) is used to form the imperative mood, i.e., to give an order.)
Read more about the mood of a verb.

Examples of Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Let's now look at the modal auxiliary verbs. Modal auxiliary verbs combine with other verbs to express ideas such as necessity, possibility, intention, and ability. In each example below, the verb phrase is in bold and the modal auxiliary verb is highlighted.
Modal auxiliary verbs expressing necessity:
  • It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. (Greek philosopher Aristotle)
  • I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could. (Actor Orson Welles)
  • A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. (American Poet Carl Sandburg)
Modal auxiliary verbs expressing possibility:
  • It is never too late to be what you might have been. (George Eliot)
  • If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. (Author Charles Dickens)
Modal auxiliary verbs expressing intention:
  • We shall heal our wounds, collect our dead and continue fighting. (Founding father of the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong)
Modal auxiliary verbs expressing ability:
  • No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish. (Cartoonist Kin Hubbard)
  • Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw. (Football manager Ron Atkinson)
  • (Sometimes, more than one sense is expressed. Here, could expresses both ability and possibility.)
Be, have and do are not always auxiliary verbs. Here they are as the main verbs (in bold) being supported by auxiliary modal verbs (highlighted).
  • I have inspiration. If I was educated, I wouldbe a damn fool. (Musician Bob Marley)
  • (That should be were educated, Bob. Just sayin'.)
  • I really like vampire books. I mighthave a problem. (Irish writer Sarah Rees Brennan)
  • If you candream it, you cando it. (Enzo Ferrari)
There's another related term we should cover: verb phrase. A verb phrase is made up of the main verb and any auxiliary verbs. Any adverbs that appear alongside or inside a verb phrase are not part of the verb phrase. In each example below, the verb phrase is in bold with auxiliary verbs highlighted.
  • Rose hasbeen drinking heavily since breakfast.
  • (The adverb heavily is not part of the verb phrase.)
  • Peter is definitely taking you to the airport.
  • (The adverb definitely is not part of the verb phrase.)

Why Should I Care about Auxiliary Verbs?

I'd wager you use auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs without giving them a second thought, so I'm mindful that this page has covered a lot of gumpf that you don't really need. Well, that's true provided we're talking about working in English. If you start learning a foreign language, it won't be too long before you'll be unpicking how they express tense, voice and mood. And, do you know what's a good starting point for that? Understanding how we do it.
That said, there are three noteworthy points related to auxiliary verbs.

(Point 1) Don't write could of, should of, or would of.

If you ever write could of, should of, or would of, you're toast. It's a writing howler. It's could've (a contraction of could have), should've (should have), or would'veAuxiliary Verb Adalah (would have).

(Point 2) Use can for ability and may for permission.

Can is a modal auxiliary verb meaning to be able to. May is a modal auxiliary verb meaning to be permitted to.
  • I can whistle.
  • (I have the ability to whistle.)
  • May I have a biscuit?
  • (Am I permitted to have a biscuit?)
  • 'Can I go outside, grandma?'
  • 'You can, dear. You're just not allowed.'
Nowadays, can is often used for permission, especially in an informal setting.
  • Can I have a biscuit, grandma?
  • 'You can, dear. You're just not allowed one.'
  • (Can is fine here, but, hey, it's still a grandma's job to issue a 'correction.')
Read more about today's leniency with can and may.

(Point 3) Expand can't to cannot not can not.

Cannot (one word) is the most common expansion of the contractioncan't.
  • You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. (US President Abraham Lincoln)
  • There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. (US statesman Henry Kissinger)
Can't can also be expanded to can not (i.e., two words), but this is less common and usually reserved for emphasis.
  • I cannot do it!
  • (Can't is usually expanded to cannot.)
  • I can not do it!
  • (This is considered more emphatic.)
Auxiliary Of course, the words can and not sometimes appear alongside each other when the not forms part of another construction (such as

Auxiliary Verb Adalah List

not only).
  • Kevin can not only rap but dance too.
  • (Here, can not must be written as two words. It's not an expansion of can't.)

Key Points

  • Don't write could of, should of, or would of. Just don't.
  • To keep your grandchildren grammatically pure, correct their use of 'Can I' to 'May I' when they're seeking permission.
  • Expand can't to cannot not can not unless you're trying to be really emphatic. (Bear in mind that your readers will probably just think you've misspelt cannot.)
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See Also

What is tense?What is mood?What is voice?What are adverbs?The difference between can and mayUsing shall and willGlossary of grammatical terms

Soal Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Pengertian Auxiliary Verb

Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja yang muncul sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) di dalam suatu kalimat untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Tidak seperti kata kerja utama, auxiliary verb tidak mempunyai arti sendiri. Kata kerja pembantu ini terdiri dari primary auxiliary verb (be, do, have) dan modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to).

Table of Contents:

Lihat juga:

Kombinasi antar Auxiliary Verb

Sebuah main verb dapat dilengkapi sampai tiga auxiliary verb dimana terdiri dari satu modal verb dan satu atau dua primary auxiliary verb. Berikut contoh kombinasinya.

1The children should have slept.
(Anak-anak itu seharusnya sudah tidur.)


  • modal verb “should”
  • primary auxiliary verb “have”
  • main verb “slept”
2The book has been returned.
(Buku itu telah kembalikan.)


  • primary auxiliary verb “has” dan “been”
  • main verb “returned”
3I will have been sleeping for two hours when they arrive.
(Saya akan telah tidur selama dua jam ketika mereka tiba.)


  • modal verb “will”
  • primary auxiliary verb “have” dan “been”
  • main verb “sleeping”

Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Primary Auxiliary Verb

Primary Auxiliary Verb terdiri dari be, do, dan have. Ketiga kata kerja ini dapat pula berfungsi sebagai kata kerja utama.

Primary Auxiliary Verb Adalah

  1. Be (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been)

Auxiliary verb “be” berfungsi untuk membentuk present atau past continuous tense dan future continuous dengan tambahan modal verb “will”. Be dapat pula dikombinasikan dengan auxiliary verb “have” untuk membentuk membentuk present atau past perfect continuous tense dan future perfect continuous tense dengan tambahan modal verb “will”.

Selain untuk membentuk (perfect) continuous tense, be dapat pula digunakan untuk membentuk passive construction.

Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “be”

1She is brushing the bathroom floor.
(Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.) present continuous tense
2They were roasting corns at this time last night.
(Mereka sedang membakar jagung tadi malam.) past continuous tense
3The party willbe starting at this time tomorrow.
(Pesta akan sedang berlangsung besok.) future continuous tense
4He hasbeen driving for an hour.
(Dia telah menyetir selama satu jam.) present perfect continuous tense
5You willhavebeen sleeping long.
(Kamu akan telah tidur lama.) future perfect continuous tense
6She was fired yesterday.
(Dia dipecat kemarin.)
7Your room has beencleaned.
(Ruanganmu sudah dibersihkan.)

Contoh Auxiliary Verb Adalah

  1. Do (do, does, did)

Auxiliary verb “do” dapat digunakan untuk memberikan penekanan pada kalimat pernyataan (indicative) maupun perintah (imperative).

Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “do”

Auxiliary Verb Adalah Worksheet

1I do finish my homework.
(Saya harus menyelesaikan PR.)
2Do open the door.
(Buka pintu.)
3Tina rarely does wash her shoes.
(Tina jarang mencuci sepatunya.)

Do dapat pula untuk membentuk pertanyaan (seperti yes-no question, wh-question, question tag, dan clarifying question (pertanyaan klarifikasi) berhubungan negative statement (pernyataan negatif) sebelumnya); kalimat negatif (dengan not), dan short answer (jawaban pendek).

Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “do”

1Did you see him yesterday?
(Apakah kamu melihatnya kemarin?) yes-no question
2What does she want from you?
(Apa yang dia inginkan darimu?) yes-no question
3You love your job, don’t you?
(Kamu suka pekerjaanmu kan?) tag question
4“Diana didn’t have much money.”
“Then who did lend it to me?”
(“Diana tidak punya banyak uang.”
“Lalu siapa yang meminjaminya padaku?”) clarifying question
5I donot like coffee.
(Saya tidak suka kopi.) negatif
6She didn’t come last night.
(Dia tidak datang semalam.) negatif
  • Yes, I do.
  • Yes, she does. short answer

Auxiliary verb ini dapat dipadukan dengan conjunctionso dan neither untuk mengekspresikan similarity (persamaan) dan differences (perbedaan).

Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “do”

1My brother loves swimming and sodo I.
(Saudara saya suka berenang dan saya juga.)
2I don’t want to spend my money unwisely; neither does my friend.
(Saya tidak ingin menghabiskan uang dengan tidak bijaksana; teman saya juga.)

Lihat juga:

  1. Have (have, has, had)

Auxiliary verb “have” berguna untuk membentuk perfect tense. Kata ini dapat pula dikombinasikan dengan modal verb (should, would, might, may, must, can’t) dan past participle membentuk perfect modal (modal verb + have + past participle).

Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “have”

1Dira has studied in French since April.
(Dira telah belajar di Perancis sejak April.) present perfect tense
2I had already eaten breakfast by the time he picked me up.
(Saya sudah sarapan sewaktu dia menjemput.) past perfect tense
3He mighthave realized his mistakes.
(Dia mungkin telah menyadari kesalahannya.)
4My father mayhave read this book.
(Ayah saya mungkin telah membaca buku ini.)

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Table of Contents:


Auxiliary Verb Adalah Yang


Auxiliary Verb Adalah

  1. Helping and Modal Auxiliary Verbs. Accessed on October 10, 2012.
  2. Helping Verb. Accessed on October 10, 2012.
  3. Notes on “Do”. Accessed on October 10, 2012.
  4. Helping Verbs. Accessed on October 10, 2012.
  5. The Auxiliary Verb. Accessed on October 10, 2012.