Invalid Drive Geometry


#define IOCTLDISKGETDRIVEGEOMETRY CTLCODE(IOCTLDISKBASE, 0x0000, METHODBUFFERED, FILEANYACCESS) From winioctl.h, Don't ask me to translate that to pascal:-) I'm not a C programmer but from what I can make of the header file IOCTLDISKGETDRIVEGEOMETRY is a combination of the following constants. Besides, it is also a hard drive manager that you can use to repartition hard drive, convert partition between FAT32 and NTFS safely, etc. If you need to convert MBR to GPT on Windows Server, the AOMEI Partition Assistant Server supports Windows Server 2003, 2008 (R), 2012 (R), 2016. Rerun the Check Geometry and Repair Geometry tools as many times as required. Export the data to a geodatabase, and copy it back to a new shapefile. If the data is on a network drive, copy it to a local drive. If the data is on a local drive, copy it to the root of the primary drive; for example, C:.

Inspects each feature in a feature class for geometry problems. Upon discovery of a geometry problem, a relevant fix will be applied, and a one-line description will be printed identifying the feature as well as the problem encountered.


Valid inputs are shapefiles, personal, and file geodatabase feature classes.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools with no outputs for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • This tool uses the same logic as the Check Geometry tool to evaluate problems with feature geometry.

  • Below is the list of geometry problems and the corresponding fix that will be performed by the tool:

    • Null geometry: The record will be deleted from the feature class. To keep records with null geometry, uncheck Delete Features with Null Geometry (use the KEEP_NULL option on thedelete_null parameter in Python).
    • Short segment: The geometry's short segment will be deleted.
    • Incorrect ring ordering: The geometry will be updated to have the correct ring ordering.
    • Incorrect segment orientation: The geometry will be updated to have the correct segment orientation.
    • Self intersections: The areas of overlap in a polygon will be dissolved.
    • Unclosed rings: The unclosed rings will be closed by connecting the ring's end points.
    • Empty parts: The parts that are null or empty will be deleted.
    • Duplicate vertex: One of the vertices will be deleted.
    • Mismatched attributes: The Z or M coordinate will be updated to match.
    • Discontinuous parts: Multiple parts will be created from the existing discontinuous part.
    • Empty Z values: The Z value will be set to 0.
    • Bad envelope: The feature's envelope will be updated to be correct.
  • After applying a fix listed above, the tool will reevaluate the resulting geometry, and if another problem is discovered, the relevant fix will be performed. For example, the result of fixing a geometry with the Incorrect ring ordering problem may yield a geometry with the Null geometry problem.

  • There is no fix in Repair Geometry for the bad dataset extent problem. To resolve this problem, run the Add Spatial Index tool on the dataset.

  • SDE geodatabases automatically check and repair feature geometries when the features are uploaded to the database, so using the Check Geometry and Repair Geometry tools with SDE feature classes is unnecessary.


ParameterExplanationData Type

The feature class or layer that will be repaired. Valid input features are shapefiles and personal and file geodatabase feature classes.

Feature Layer

Specifies what action to take on null geometries.

  • DELETE_NULL — Features that have NULL geometry will be deleted from the input. This is the default.
  • KEEP_NULL — Features that have NULL geometry will not be deleted from the input.

Code sample

RepairGeometry example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the RepairGeometry function in immediate mode.

Invalid drive geometry dash
RepairGeometry example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script is an example of how to apply the RepairGeometry function in scripting.


Licensing information

  • ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
  • ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
  • ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes

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Invalid drive geometry dash
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Posted: October 4th, 2010, 0:26

Joined: October 4th, 2010, 0:24
Posts: 4
Location: /dev/null
So yeah, I have a hard drive that is 750 GB, and it's being read as a 2 TB.
Testdisk shows it having 267349 cylinders when it should only have 91201, and changing the geometry in testdisk is only session based.
I tried using
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=16k conv=notrunc

and I tried the same with dcfldd, to no avail.
I've tried writing an msdos partition table to it using fdisk, and many other things.
Any time I try to use mkfs in parted after creating a partition table, it tells me that there's an unrecognized disk label, so then I create one inside of the same parted session and try again, and it still says it's an unrecognized disk label.
So, as it stands, dd, dcfldd, testdisk, photorec, parted, gparted, and fdisk are all failing.
As far as I know there's no way to truly change the geometry of the disk, just change how the disk is read by feeding a program different geometry.
Any ideas as to what I might be able to do next?
I'm not looking to send it in anywhere, I'd prefer to do it myself.

Post subject: Re: Invalid disk geometry or the likes?

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 13350
Location: Australia
Is it an external drive? What is its model number?


Victoria Hdd Invalid Drive Geometry

Post subject: Re: Invalid disk geometry or the likes?

Joined: July 18th, 2006, 3:05
Posts: 7532
Location: ITALY
Buy a Pc3000 UDMA - about 10'000 bucks - then learn to use it. If it is a firmware problem - 20-30 percent- you'll be able to repair and get data. Otherwise it is one or more head failing, it will pinpoint the problem. If so, with 5'000 or so, you can buy the equipment to do mechanical intervention with donor... Also take into account some money for buying the info to do it. Simple.

Post subject: Re: Invalid disk geometry or the likes?

Joined: October 4th, 2010, 0:24
Posts: 4
Location: /dev/null
Buy a Pc3000 UDMA - about 10'000 bucks - then learn to use it. If it is a firmware problem - 20-30 percent- you'll be able to repair and get data. Otherwise it is one or more head failing, it will pinpoint the problem. If so, with 5'000 or so, you can buy the equipment to do mechanical intervention with donor... Also take into account some money for buying the info to do it. Simple.

Seeing how the drive isn't worth 10 grand in itself, I feel that it'd be a bit more...... cost efficient... to just chalk one up to data loss and buy another. Chances are that I won't be having a problem like this in the near future with multiple drives, so it wouldn't be a good investment for the future either. I'll save that money and buy a few six packs of beer for myself, maybe a couple bags of crisps.
Is it an external drive? What is its model number?

Well, here's the story.
It was originally a 750GB MyBook, I can't remember the exact model number of the entire external drive setup. I'd bought two of them, and at one point, unclean power (from a generator) tore both the enclosures up. I took the hard drives out of both of the enclosures and bought two new ones. One hard drive works fine, the other one, which is this one, is on the fritz. The drive itself is a Western Digital WD7500AAKS, WD Caviar SE16. That's from the drive itself.

Post subject: Re: Invalid disk geometry or the likes?

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 13350
Location: Australia
I've seen many cases where WD external drives identify themselves with a bogus 2TB capacity. I suspect this is the way the USB-SATA bridge chip behaves when it is unable to detect the drive behind the bridge. You may find that the drive behaves differently when attached directly to a SATA port on your motherboard. It will still be faulty, though.


Invalid Drive Geometry Reparar

Post subject: Re: Invalid disk geometry or the likes?

Joined: July 18th, 2006, 3:05
Posts: 7532
Location: ITALY
NEVER seen a Mybook where the interface made it appear 2TB while the drive was working. It's normal behaviour of this drive series (false capacity and no access to data) when fucked up. Anyway, as there is no mechanical damage i.e. dropped drive (from what the OP said) , the recovery process should not be extremely expensive. Not equal the cost of beer and crisps anyway.
The quotes for the tooling was posted 'just in case'.


Invalid Drive Geometry Game

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