Simple Radius Test Tool

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TinyRadius is a simple, small and fast Java Radius library capable ofsending and receiving Radius packets of all types. It is released under the terms of the LGPL.

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What you can do with it:

  • send and receive Radius packets (Access-Request, Access-Accept,Access-Reject, Access-Challenge, Accounting-Request, Accounting-Responseand others) from within your Java application
  • use PAP and CHAP as authentication types for Access-Request messages
  • attach arbitrary Radius attributes to the packets employing attributenames read from a dictionary file
  • send and receive Radius packets with 'Vendor-Specific' attributes

What you cannot/should not do with it:

  • set up a complex Radius server (please use FreeRadiusor JRadius)
  • connect the server to a user database without writing Java code(this library is ment to be plugged in applications and not to beused as a stand-alone server)

TinyRadius comes with small sample applications which show how to integrateit as a Radius server and a Radius client.

What are the requirements?

  • TinyRadius works well and is tested with JDK 1.1 through 1.6.I recommend using at least JDK 1.4.
  • You need Apache Commons Logging to compile and runTinyRadius. This small library is included with theTinyRadius release.

EXAMPLE 1: Authentication made easy

If you do not need to set special attribute values, you can just use themethod authenticate() from the RadiusClient:

EXAMPLE 2: Sending an Access-Request with multiple attributes

1. Create a RadiusClient object with the host name and shared secretof the Radius server you wish to contact. You may set additional details(port numbers, for example) using methods of this object.

2. Create the Access-Request Radius packet. Pass the user name andpassword in the constructor. The User-Name attribute will be addedon construction of the object, while the User-Password attribute (PAP)or the CHAP-Password and CHAP-Challenge attributes (CHAP) will begenerated when encoding the packet because the request authenticator ofthe packet is required to encrypt the password.

3. Set further attributes. Note that TinyRadius resolves the attribute typefrom the given type name and that it converts the IP address and the nameof the constant (Login-User) to the right values. Please also note howthe Vendor-Specific (WISPr) sub-attribute 'WISPr-Location-ID'is set. This call results in the creation of a Vendor-Specific attributewith the proper vendor ID and the addition of a sub-attribute to thisattribute.

4. Send the packet and receive the response.

EXAMPLE 3: How to implement a Radius server

You need to subclass org.tinyradius.util.RadiusServer.Provide an implementation for the following methods:

This method should check whether the passed client is allowed to communicate with the Radius server. If this is the case, it should return the shared secret that secures the communication to the client.

This method returns the password for the given user. If you have not access to the password (in the case of CHAP) or you need finer control (you want to set attributes for the response packet, for example), you have to override the following method.

Override this methods for fine control about the way Accounting-Request and Access-Request packets are handled. Just return the Radius packet to be sent as a response or null if the request should be ignored.

After implementing your own server class, you can start and stop the serverusing the methods start() and stop(). For start(), you pass whether the servershould listen on the auth and/or the acct port. This method spawns new threads.

EXAMPLE 4: How to implement a Radius proxy server

Simple radius test tool for sale

You need to subclass org.tinyradius.proxy.RadiusProxy.In addition to implementing the abstract methods from RadiusServer,you have to provide an implementation for the following method.

Using the provided client endpoint (containing the client's IP address,the port number as well as the shared secret) you have to decide whetherthe given Radius packet should be forwarded or if the TinyRadius serveritself shall handle the packet.

If you return null, the packet will be dealt with asusual. Otherwise, the packet will be proxied (adding a Proxy-State attribute)to the returned Radius server.

Simple Radius Test Tool Online

For a complete example, please check the three classes TestProxy,TestServer and TestClient, which can be used toset up an easy proxying Radius infrastructure only with TinyRadius andonly using 'localhost'.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have got questions orsuggestions.

Matthias Wuttke

RADIUS test and monitoring client


Simple Radius Test Tool Reviews

For Windows, FreeBSD, Sparc Solaris and Linux platforms.

RADIUS test client is an easy to use tool to simulate, debug and monitor RADIUS and Network Access Servers (NAS).

Simulate RADIUS Authentication, Accounting and CoA/Disconnect requests for multiple devices and usage scenarios. User defined fields, counter variables, random data and pseudo session identifiers provide flexibility whether you need to simulate just one request or perform load testing with millions.

Packet decoder feature enables raw RADIUS attribute packet information from your NAS or RADIUS server to be validated and decoded into an easy to read display or stored in a profile for later replay.

Monitor hundreds of RADIUS servers, keep uptime statistics and send email/SMS pager notifications should a server become unreachable.

Simple Radius Test Tool Free

Radlogin v4 features include

  • Support for RFC5176 Disconnect and CoA messages
  • Best of all worlds, send RADIUS queries from the command line, web based interface or web service API
  • Send test authentication and accounting requests
  • User defined fields, built-in counters, random variables, addresses and session ids
  • Comprehensive data dictionary supporting over eighty vendors
  • IPv6 transport and attributes
  • Support for 16-bit, 32-bit VSA formats, tunnel encryption, large attribute fragmentation, nested TLVs and extension attributes
  • Validating RADIUS packet decoder
  • Attribute profiles allow you to store multiple sets of authentication or accounting requests for various purposes
  • EAP packet decoding
  • Server monitoring with email notification and uptime statistics
  • Configurable date/time formatting
  • Asterisk CDR accounting proxy listener
  • Available at no charge for Windows (XP,Win7,Win10,2000-2019), Linux, FreeBSD and Sparc Solaris platforms

Free Radius Test Tool

Downloading instructions

Simple Radius Test Tool Download

Choose your platform to begin downloading the RADIUS test client. You do not need to request a license key to use this software.