Constitution Haitienne De 1987 Pdf

SOMMAIRE DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA REPUB3LIQUE D'HA1TI M98 Section D De I'Exercice du Pouvoir L6gislatif Art. 104 a 130.3 Section E Des Incompatibilitds Art. 131 A 13 2 Cbdpitre III- Du Pouvoir Excutif Art. 133 Section A Du Prdsident de la Rdpublique Art. 134 A 135.1 Section B Des Attributions du Prdsident de la Rdpublique Art. PDF generated: 24 Sep 2013, 16:09 This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on Haiti's Constitution of 1987 with Amendments through 2012. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PREAMBLE We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations.

  1. Constitution Haitienne De 1987 Pdf
  2. Constitution Haitienne De 1987 Amendee Pdf

6 mai Par Fritz Deshommes *. Introduction de l’ouvrage du même titre à paraitre la semaine prochaine [1]. Document soumis à AlterPressse le 5 mai. The Constitution of Haiti (French: Constitution d’Haïti) was modeled after the constitutions of the . Constitution of Haïti – ‘s copy in English. Constitution amendée · Titre 1: de la République d’Haiti son emblème – ses symboles Le préambule de la Constitution se lit désormais comme suit.

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The CommunalSection is the smallest administrative territorial entity of the Republic. National and legal holidays shall be celebrated by the Government and private and commercial enterprises. Economic freedom shall be guaranteed so long as it is not contrary to the public interest.

The State shall see to it that a Civil Pension Retirement Fund is established in the public and private sectors. Everyone is entitled to profess his religion and practice his faith, dee the exercise of that right does not disturb law and order.

Haiti : Et si la Constitution de était porteuse de Refondation ?


Have attained thirty-five 35 years of age hhaitienne the election day; c. The State guarantees the right to education. This provision does not apply when an educational establishment is used for the purposes. Any person born of a Haitian father or Haitian mother who are themselves native-born Haitians and have never renounced their nationality possesses Haitian nationality at the time of birth. Any member of the Legislature shall be disqualified as a Deputy or Senator, if, during his term, he has received a final sentence by a court of regular law, which renders him ineligible hairienne serve.


Les effigies, les noms de personnages vivants ne peuvent figurer sur la monnaie, les timbres, les vignettes. In the event the Legislature is convened in special session, it may not decide on consttiution matter other than that for which it was called.

Constitution haitienne de 1987 amendee pdf

Constitution amendée

The right terminates five 5 years after an alien ceases to reside in the country or the operation of this companies have terminates, pursuant to the law establishing regulations to be followed for the transmission and liquidation of property owned by aliens. Landowners must constitutiln, work, and protect their land, particularly against erosion. Each House may meet in closed session at the request of five 5 members, and the decision to resume public meetings shall then be taken by a majority vote.

The Prime Minister and the Ministers may appear before the two 2 Houses to support bills and the objections of the President of the Republic and to reply to interpellation. Haitian nationality is lost by: The coat of arms of the Republic are: Each House has the right to investigate matters brought before it. An organic law regulates the establishment, location and operation of university and public and private superior schools in the country. Only the two 2 candidates who, if such be the case, after the withdrawal of more favored candidates, have received the largest number of votes in the first election may run in the second election.

Constitutiion State recognizes the right of every citizen to decent housing, education, food and social security. Preschool and maternal training, as well as nonformal education are encouraged.

Its members are as follows: Except where perpetrators of crimes are caught in the act, the premises of educational establishments are inviolable. Within coonstitution framework of compulsory civilian jaitienne services for both sexes, provided for by article of the Constitution, the Armed Forces participate in organizing and supervising that service. Such exercise may not be subject to any authorization or censorship, except in the case of war.

In the event that, through fault of the Executive Branch, the Budget of the Republic has not been voted upon, the President of the Republic shall immediately call a special session of the Legislative Houses for the sole purpose of voting on the Government budget. National monetary policy is set by the Central Bank jointly with the Minister of Haitiejne and Finance. He declares war, and negotiates and signs peace treaties with the approval of the National Assembly.


The Municipal term is four 4 years, and its members may be re-elected for an indefinite number of terms. Be a native-born Haitian and baitienne have renounced his nationality; 2. The president must accept that resignation and appoint new Primer Minister, pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution. Such enterprises shall be grouped in 187 comprehensive management system. To approve or reject international treaties and conventions; 4.

This term begins and ends on the February 7 following the date of the elections. The President of the Supreme Court – President; b.

Constitution de la République d’Haiti, 29 mars 1987

Outline Index Book Category Portal. Have never been sentenced to death, personal restraint or penal servitude or the loss of civil rights; e.

The President of the Republic is the nominal head of the armed forces, but he never commands them in person. Its ranking, terms of enlistment, ranks, promotions, discharges, and retirement are determined by the regulations of the Haitian Armed Forces. Have five 5 years experience in public or private administration; f. ls


In the case of conflicts between members of the armed forces; c. Members of the Departmental Council are not necessarily drawn from the Assembly, but they must: The Legislature takes the laws on hwitienne matters of haiyienne interest.

Be a native-born Haitian, and never have renounced Haitian nationality; 2. The right to own real property shall be accorded also to aliens residing in Haiti and to foreign companies for the needs of their agricultural, commercial, industrial, religious, humanitian or educational enterprises, within the limits and under the conditions prescribed by law.

Constitution Haitienne De 1987 Pdf

The Council sees to it that the electoral lists are kept up-to-date. No official may consittution hired except by competition or by meeting other conditions prescribed by the Constitution and by law, nor may he be dismissed except for causes specifically determined by law.

Constitution of Haiti

Consequently, monuments, ruins, sites of our ancestors’ great feats of arms, famous centers of our African beliefs, and all vestiges of the past are placed under the protection of haitiebne State. This message may not be debated. The title Academy Member is purely honorific. Aliens in the territory of the Republic shall enjoy the same protection accorded to Haitians, under the law.

They may at no time be prosecuted or attacked for the opinions and votes cast by them in the discharge o their duties.

Constitution Haitienne De 1987 Amendee Pdf

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